2009年8月27日 星期四

中文電腦資訊部落格全收錄!Google Reader Bundle 自製訂閱懶人包 | 電腦玩物

中文電腦資訊部落格全收錄!Google Reader Bundle 自製訂閱懶人包 | 電腦玩物:
最近訂閱的google reader懶人包,即時吸收國內外資訊的好"包"
"之前一直有電腦玩物的讀者向我提出這樣的建議:「能不能提供你在Google Reader裡面的訂閱資料讓我們參考看看?」我雖然也想要提供,但是我個人訂閱的資料太龐雜,也有很多不適合分享出來的資訊,所以一直找不到合適、簡單的分享方法。"

Google 教學鮮師部落格(玩玩Google及其工具吧): 12如何申請google analytics新帳號

Google 教學鮮師部落格(玩玩Google及其工具吧): 12如何申請google analytics新帳號:
如何申請google analytics介紹
"Google Analytics 是Google免費提供的分析網站




,24小時後Google Analytics 會提供您流量數據"

Google Maps【Google Street View 街景視圖】電子地圖使用再升級 | 就是教不落

Google Maps【Google Street View 街景視圖】電子地圖使用再升級 | 就是教不落:
"Google Map一直是個很好用的網路服務之一,Google的用心已經不僅此於衛星地圖,而是推出 有一段時間的【Google Street View"

Google Analytics 各種流量統計數據對部落格有什麼意義? | 電腦玩物

Google Analytics 各種流量統計數據對部落格有什麼意義? | 電腦玩物:
"有不少訪客問過我關於Google Analytics或一些網站流量統計的問題,尤其是對於一些流量統計數據到底代表什麼意思有著不少疑惑。"

云科技 » 伟大的想法:Google Maps如何使用“众包”来解决交通问题

云科技 » 伟大的想法:Google Maps如何使用“众包”来解决交通问题:
藉由gps和google map,將每個人開車時速即時上傳至google,就可以知道哪條路在塞車,該走哪條路比較快^^

"伟大的想法:Google Maps如何使用“众包”来解决交通问题"




《數位之牆》社交網絡的祕密(二)階級藩籬難以跨越: "台灣市場是小,但目前看來它的問題不在於小,而是在於原始跟空白,背後深層原因是初創公司對族群的形成及族群間壁壘沒有認識,只知道經營Heavy User卻忽略更廣大族群。如果你能做到連樓下貿易公司的總機小姐都使用你的Web 2.0 服務,才有資格說台灣市場太小。"


《數位之牆》社交網絡的祕密(一)社交網絡不是社群: "社交網絡已經超過上述名詞而包含上述名詞:包含了部落格(或者個人日記)以及相簿這種屬於個人喃喃自語的服務(統稱個人空間?),又包含了好友清單(個人關係維護乃至於陌生交友)的社交互動。它的運作甚至於要在上述的各種服務間求取平衡,不可偏廢。"

Wangtam: Twitter 黄金比例:不对称的社交

Wangtam: Twitter 黄金比例:不对称的社交:

如果你新加入 Twitter ,会发现其很容易上手:如果有人关注 (Follow) 你,你会收到一个通知,同时也可以将对方放到自己的关注名单中。毕竟,你希望收到一些 Twitter 消息 (Tweet)。通过几十次类似的操作,你可能开始更慎重地使用 Twitter ,会查看对方的个人资料以及最近所发的消息,但用户很快将放弃这种方式,最后必定开始使用神秘的'黄金比例'来确定对方是否值得关注,这个几乎每个用户知道、但却不一定能够认识到的法则就是关注者 (Followers) 与所关注 (Following) 数量之比。"

Facebook Wants To Own Idea Of Crowdsourced Translations

Facebook Wants To Own Idea Of Crowdsourced Translations:
"Facebook is the biggest social network in the world, so it may come as a surprise to some that up until early 2008, ..."

The Road to Hokusai’s Waterfall | About DOCOMO | NTT DOCOMO

The Road to Hokusai’s Waterfall | About DOCOMO | NTT DOCOMO:
"Mobile phones have evolved to become indispensable tools that have changed the way we lead our lives, and they are certain to continue to evolve and play an even greater role in both business and everyday life.
This video depicts the near future of mobile communications as we at DOCOMO envisage it - a future in which people of all ages can enjoy richer, safer, and more convenient communications lifestyles than ever before."

Firefox将支持多点触摸 | Firefox

Firefox将支持多点触摸 | Firefox

TwitterMySite : Twitter Follow Me貼紙產生器-哈燒部落 I Want Hot News

TwitterMySite : Twitter Follow Me貼紙產生器-哈燒部落 I Want Hot News: "有在玩Twitter的人一定蠻喜歡在自己的網站上放上精美的Follow Me(跟隨)貼紙,如果你找不到美美的貼紙,那推薦各位去TwitterMySite,上面有很多精美的follow me貼紙,數一數目前大約有18款貼紙,我想應該也夠用了。"

微軟 讓低價手機有「智慧」 | 國際萬象 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網

微軟 讓低價手機有「智慧」 | 國際萬象 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網





用Google Reader備份和閱讀twitter的訊息!

用Google Reader備份和閱讀twitter的訊息!

華仔、朱麗倩拖手 - Google 新聞

華仔、朱麗倩拖手 - Google 新聞
google news讓你看看"所有"新聞媒體,怎麼看待劉德華這件事。google mews把價值判斷留給網友,我想這才是正確處理資訊方式。

Plurk Adds Real-Time Search. Doesn't Mention Twitter. - washingtonpost.com

Plurk Adds Real-Time Search. Doesn't Mention Twitter. - washingtonpost.com:
"Plurk goes into how it thinks this is the next phase of search beyond the traditional search engines, and how social search could revolutionize things."

Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists

Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists:
GOOGLE Reader帶你看政治家、評論家、經濟學家都在看什麼。培養廣泛觸角,吸收世界潮流。一同訂閱這些部落格至reasder,讓每天都進步成長。


Want to know what journalists, foodies, and tech bloggers read?

Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.


Google News Archives Search @ 賽拉維的秋天 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

Google News Archives Search @ 賽拉維的秋天 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :::


最近發現了一個不算新的服務「Google News archives Search」,

I am here.: Google News 個人化首頁 - 打造專屬自己的新聞頁面!

I am here.: Google News 個人化首頁 - 打造專屬自己的新聞頁面!: "


Microsoft Brings Twitter And Facebook To The Emerging World With OneApp

Microsoft Brings Twitter And Facebook To The Emerging World With OneApp: "

Shared 18 times.


Company & Product Profiles (10836)

facebook (9186)

microsoft (4840)

oneapp (24)

Twitter (12047)

windows mobile (459)


screen-shot-2009-08-24-at-95941-amHere in the U.S. (and especially in San Francisco), it’s easy to forget that most of the world doesn’t have iPhones, BlackBerrys, Android phones, and the like. Much of the world doesn’t even have access to them, and if they did, they are often way too expensive to actually get one. Should those people be without mobile access to services like Twitter and Facebook? Microsoft doesn’t think so.

Today, it is launching OneApp, an app for people running Windows Mobile phones with slow processors and not a lot of memory. Basically, it’s a lightweight app that lets you run more intensive apps by grabbing just the basics of that app that you need. And OneApp also offloads some of the processes required to use the larger apps to Microsoft servers, which handle it over the cloud.

Microsoft is launching OneApp as a part of the mibli consumer mobile service, in partnership with Blue Label Telecoms in South Africa. It will be a free download (though data rates may apply). Initially, there will be a dozen larger apps that OneApp can optimize, including the aforementioned Twitter and Facebook. Others include Windows Live Messenger, and RSS reader, and some games.

screen-shot-2009-08-24-at-95444-amThe plan is to make OneApp available in other parts of the world too, and to expand the apps that run on OneApp. Microsoft notes that developers will be able to write their apps to work with OneApp simply by using JavaScript and XML. There’s an SDK that will be available at the end of 2009.

Microsoft is hardly the only company making moves to bring some of the more advanced bells and whistles of the mobile web to the emerging world. The core idea behind the recently (and somewhat accidentally) unveiled Facebook Lite is to make Facebook available in places like India and Russia.

It makes sense for companies to take these extra steps to make apps available in places with less technology as it’s not only the right thing to do, but it represents the areas with the most growth potential. OneApp is a part of Microsoft’s Unlimited Potential initiative.

Crunch Network: CrunchBase the free database of technology companies, people, and investors


Fetchback adds opt-out link to ads and loses fewer web surfers | Blog | Econsultancy

Fetchback adds opt-out link to ads and loses fewer web surfers | Blog | Econsultancy: "In the ongoing debate over behavioral targeting methods online, the subject of consumer preference is a thorny issue. Most consumers don't op-out of sharing their information with advertisers online. Is that because they don't know how, or because they don't care what happens with their info?"

How to use Google Analytics to track telephone leads

How to use Google Analytics to track telephone leads: "

Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to track telephone call leads in Google Analytics? Guess what? There is and I'm going to share with you over a series of four posts how you can set this up for yourselves.

In this economic climate, what with the credit crunch ‘n’ all it is more important than ever to prove to your clients that the work that you doing is providing real return on investment. For e-commerce websites, this is fairly easy by using analytics tools such as Google Analytics to gather data. But what of other sites? What of sites where conversions are actually not sales but are leads generated?

Again, using Google Analytics as an example, we can set goals for contact forms etc. We can use event tracking for clicks on links etc. But what about the number of telephone call leads generated as a result of landing on your client's site?

We have devised a solution to the problem of tracking offline telephone leads in order to prove to your clients that they are generating phone calls off the back of your online marketing efforts. Being able to show client these stats allows them to make more informed judgements about where their budget is best spent. But for internet marketers, it also means that we can see whether high traffic paid key terms are worth the spend, or whether they should be ditched altogether.

This post is the first of four where I will walk you through how to set up a system like CallTrackID for yourself and your clients. I have broken it down into four sections to make it more easily digestible as follows:

  1. Explaining the CallTrackID system

  2. Setting up Google Analytics

  3. Getting Phone Numbers onto your site

  4. Pushing Call Data into Google Analytics

Explaining the CallTrackID System

With this call tracking system, it is necessary to ‘define’ what the routes to your site are that you wish to analyse. This means that in the first instance, you need to have an awareness of where you think call converting traffic maybe coming from.


Let’s use an example of HolidaysToTheMoon.Com. This fictionary company predominantly want to sell holidays to the moon, except they don’t have an ecommerce site. They require that a searcher

  1. Finds their site

  2. Like what they see (engages with site)

  3. And, pick up the phone to book with a human sales person (converts)

Their main online marketing channels are:

  1. Google Adwords Paid Search

  2. Google Organic Search

  3. A paid advert on a site called starvacations.com

They want to know which of these channels generate the most potential sales (potential because closing the deal is down to the salesperson).

Each referring route (medium) is given a separate number. When a user lands on the site having come from one of the predefined routes, the assigned number is displayed to them and only this number.

  1. Google Adwords Paid Search – 0845 111111

  2. Google Organic Search – 0845 222222

  3. A paid advert on a site called starvacations.com – 0845 333333

When they dial this number, the CallTrackID system recognises it as a predefined route, and fires a call to a webpage containing the Google Analytics tracking code which then registers a visit in Google Analytics.


Charlie clicks on an ad from starvacations.com and lands on HolidaysToTheMoon.com. The contact telephone number displayed on the site is 0845 333333.

Charlie decides he wants to speak to Customer Services. Charlie dials 0845 333333. The call is transferred to the normal main dedicated sales phone number to answer as normal e.g. 01903 247788. Charlie speaks to the rep.

The call is registered in a CSV file in the telephone account of HolidaysToTheMoon.com. This data is then collected into an email, parsed through a system that converts it to XML which then fires a call to a dedicated page on your site that contains their Google Analytics™ Tracking Code.

The data is recorded in a call tracking profile in Google Analytics™ for HolidaysToTheMoon.com to create comparison reports between the referring routes. This allows them to determine which routes to site generate the most telephone calls.

HolidaysToTheMoon.com can now:

a) Prove ROI of online marketing efforts.

b) Re-allocate budgets according to results

c) Adjust target keywords to pursue most profitable terms.

The next three posts will explain how to:

  1. Set up Google Analytics for Call tracking

  2. Get Phone Numbers onto your site

  3. Push Call Data into Google Analytics


Tributes.com: Social networking may fail, but obits are booming

Tributes.com: Social networking may fail, but obits are booming: "

With advertising revenue taking a nosedive, many online startups are shifting their business models. But it's not often that such changes are as tied up in the issue of mortality as with the creation of Tributes.com.

This weekend Boston.com profiled Jeff Taylor, the founder of job classifieds site Monster.com. Since leaving Monster, Taylor created a social networking site for boomers called. Eons Inc. But as the economic winds have shifted, Taylor has moved the focus of his company from lifestyles of the 50-something set to an online obituaries desitination called Tributes.com. As if baby boomers didn't already have enough trouble contemplating their imminent demise.

But obituaries have something that that social networking for the boomers does not have: a commission based fee structure.

According to Boston.com:

'Eons began with a big vision: create an online gathering place for
people on the far side of 50 that would evolve into a kind of
next-generation AARP. In addition to the website, there were plans for
a print magazine, a membership rewards program, and a TV show. But
while the company spent heavily on marketing (including television ads
where Taylor tried to popularize the slogan “Boom! Boom! Boom!’’),
“they never found that seed for organic traffic growth,’’ says a former
Eons executive. Today, the AARP website gets about 3 million visitors a
month, while Eons attracts just 250,000, according to the research
service Compete.com.
Maybe boomers and seniors weren’t looking for a destination built just
for them - or maybe they were gravitating to other social networks,
such as Facebook.'

Meanwhile, the company's obituaries section was taking off. Tributes.com both creates online memorials for recently departed celebrities and sells 'tributes' to grieving families through funeral homes. Their service is a welcome addition for the funeral industry. Funeral directors are often responsible for writing and compiling obits for the departed but don't get a cut of the fee from newspapers. They do receive a fee from Tributes.

In this climate, many ad supported sites are struggling. Monster.com may be more well known than Eons right now, but it is suffering terribly because of the economy. Monster.com's classified job ads saw a 31% decline this year according to global market intelligence firm IDC.

Obituaries, on the other hand, keep coming no matter what the Dow is doing. According to Boston.com:

Eons will generate more revenue than Tributes this year, but Taylor
projects Tributes will do better in 2010, adding optimistically that
“we do have new products coming out at Eons’’ that could change that.
Last month, Tributes took in $1.2 million in funding, on top of $4.2
million it had banked previously.

Tributes president Elaine Haney tells Boston.com that due to the current problems with the newspaper industry, obits are ''ripe
for someone to come in and do something different.' And she says that
as time goes by, more people who’ve grown up online will consider the
Web - and not newsprint - to be the natural place to look for

So every cloud has a silver lining, as they say?


諾基亞捍衛龍頭 得靠低階手機

諾基亞捍衛龍頭 得靠低階手機: "諾基亞至今仍是全球手機和智慧型手機市場龍頭,但好日子可能所剩不多,一方面是強敵環伺,一方面是產品功..."

Nokia Booklet 3G小筆電問世 - 資訊硬體 - 3C產品 - udn數位資訊

Nokia Booklet 3G小筆電問世 - 資訊硬體 - 3C產品 - udn數位資訊:
"與一般市面小筆電較大的差異在於,Nokia Booklet 3G 螢幕尺寸雖然只有 10吋,但解析度高達 1366x768,更適合文書處理、瀏覽網頁、多媒體播放使用。而且還內建 3.5G, A-GPS。"

中時科技|半導體|網路購物篇 台灣穩定成長 大陸三級跳

中時科技|半導體|網路購物篇 台灣穩定成長 大陸三級跳:





NET-MBA課後報告:網站可以簡單到只剩一個email或一個字嗎?: "最近會試著再把NET-MBA的課後報告寫回來,以敦促自己保持活力。新一屆的上課再次爆滿,塞到沒有一個空位。我也會繼續努力在每一堂課加入新的主題、新的投影片。今天想寫的題目是,上周第五屆的課程提到的幾個「極簡網站」案例。網站要多簡單,可以簡單到多簡單的程度?簡單不一定表示好用,但有些網站因為「簡單」,本身就讓網友想試試,這就有趣了──
以前曾兩次寫過Posterous,一次是「第三代網址」,一次是「停筆的博客」,早就看好它,但最近它更猛的傳出更驚人的捷報!目前Posterous的一個月不重覆拜訪已達130萬人,這數字已經過Quantcast放貼紙證實,而且從Google Trends亦可看到Posterous的流量不斷的成長,幾乎每兩個月流量就翻一倍,一直到七月都還在跳躍成長中!最近你我都發現身邊有些朋友開始使用Posterous,美國也有一些好文章是採用Posterous那個很容易辨識的版型。
重要的是,現在,這個做法開始有人學了!這個周末TechCrunch得到來自創業家口中的第一手消息,有一個叫「Rate It All」的評分網站,準備開始嘗試類似Posterous的「透過email操作」的新做法。這個網站完全學了Posterous這種email操作的精髓──
首先,你完全不必申請會員,只要寄一封信給reviews@rateitall.com,馬上就可以開始玩!連它的網站都不必進去,就可以開始玩!怎麼玩?只要按照它的格式,將你要評的物體、餐廳、任何東西的名字寫在email的標題,信中的第一行則寫「4 stars」,你就可以將這個物體評為四顆星!Email的後面還可以加上一段自己想說的話。

第一個,是去年九月推出的網站「Click That Button」(clickthatbutton.com),來到這個網站,確實就只有一個大大的按鈕要去按,這按鈕很漂亮,實在叫人很難不去按,按了以後或許我們就會聚精會神的注意有什麼東西。但按下去以後,上面的數字「加一」,再按一次,它再加一。而且還告訴你你按了幾次。你說,這個要幹嘛?有趣的是,他們也在去年總統大選期間弄了一個歐巴馬的版本,要幹嘛?沒有要幹嘛。但那個數字很驚人,表示有很多人去點。就夠了。而且如果它要策畫一些事情也真的要「按下去」才表示我真的來過、支持過…等等。網站設計成這樣應該能將「第一次來訪者」增加到最頂端。還有人拍了這部15分鐘影片擴大解釋。
五堂課共: $6000元,附贈飲料。優惠方案:未來只要帶來一位朋友付費上課便少3000元,若帶來第二位朋友付費上課則再少3000元,等同於兩人同行,第二人「半價」;三人同行,一人「免費」,此特價僅限三人同行,若四人以上則必須全部回復以原價報名。欲報名請寄信至:contact.mr6@gmail.com





阿里巴巴再度重组中国雅虎-华尔街日报: "阿里巴巴集团宣布了旗下中国雅虎业务的新重组计划,将剥离去年加入中国雅虎的分类信息业务,这是中国雅虎四年前与阿里巴巴高调合作后遭遇的又一挫折。"

《數位之牆》談中國電子商務(七)社交網絡將成新一代C2C 電子商務

《數位之牆》談中國電子商務(七)社交網絡將成新一代C2C 電子商務: "一個剛起步的購物商城如果在沒有足夠的會員數與交易量之下,又想要透過社群來運作該怎麼辦?如上所述,自己來做肯定會失敗的,因此可行的方式,就是與現成的社群網站合作。透過分潤的機制,社群網站也可以不需要自己建立商城,雙方可以各自發揮所長。"











