It’s a small tweak with some lovely implications: Google Maps has just much more tightly integrated Google Street View, so you can switch seamlessly between the two when looking for an address.
After performing a search in Google Maps, you’ll see an option underneath the search result to go to “Street View,” which takes you to the street-level view of the business or location you’re searching for. The address will have a marker right in front of it, and you can use all the normal street view tools to zoom in or out and navigate the representation of the space.
From this view you get a link to “Search nearby,” which then seamlessly takes you back out to Maps level to see results close to where you just were. You can click on any of the found icons to go right back to Street View and see that location’s positioning relative to other businesses or homes in the area.

This is a great way to close the loop between the two mapping applications, and could come in really handy for those times you really need to know which corner a shop is on or just want some visual cues as to where to look for a place once you get nearby.
Check out a video demonstration of the new integration below:
Reviews: Google Maps
Tags: Google, Google Maps, google street view, lbs, mapping